4th International Defence and Security Dialogue 19 May 2023
Theme: Managing Strategic Tensions in the Indo-Pacific Region
Do please note that not all presenters permitted recording and publication of their input to the Dialogue.
The RUSI-NSW 2022 4th International Defence and Security Dialogue was recorded in six parts:-
Introduction by the President of the RUSI of NSW followed by the Opening Address by Our Patron, HE The Governor of NSW.
The Blamey Oration by The Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Assistant Minister for Defence and presentation of 2023 Blamey Medallion by Mr Thomas E (Ted) Blamey, grandson of FM Sir Thomas Blamey.
Introduction to the Strategic Outlook Presentations by MAJGEN Paul Irving AM PSM RFD Ret'd followed by a presentation on the Strategic Outlook JAPAN.
The Strategic Outlook INDIA by HE Manpreet Vohra High Commissioner for India.
The Strategic Outlook AUSTRALIA by Senator, The Honourable David Fawcett.
Panel Discussion and Audience Participation
Chair: BRIG David Leece AM PSM RFD ED Ret'd.
Part 1 - Introduction and Opening Address
13 minutes 48 seconds
Part 2 - Blamey Oration
Managing strategic tensions in the South and East China Seas and in the broader Indo Pacific Region - Australia's response
32 minutes 37 seconds
Part 3 - The Strategic Outlook JAPAN
From Defence to Deterrence: Japan's Shifting Security Posture
12 minutes 02 seconds
Part 4 - The Strategic Outlook INDIA
India Australia and the Indo-Pacific
33 minutes 30 seconds
Part 5 - The Strategic Outlook AUSTRALIA
How might Bradley, Roosevelt and Dunlop manage Strategic Tensions in the Indo-Pacific?
9 minutes 45 seconds
Part 6 - Panel Discussion and Conclusion
1 hour 24 minutes 37 seconds
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